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1 Fozzie Bear  Tue, Jan 11, 2011 7:50:14pm

This is the strangest potential twist on a murder trial I have ever seen.

2 Fozzie Bear  Tue, Jan 11, 2011 7:50:27pm

And I have seen quite a few murder trials.

3 FreedomMoon  Tue, Jan 11, 2011 9:49:01pm

Well regardless the guy is certifiable, and whatever happens, I pray he never walks free. I don't want to reduce people to being animals, but we are. If a bear attacks someone they put it down, and while I'll leave it to the justice system to see what is best for him, I would feel a lot better knowing he will never be free to do something as horrific as this again.

4 Velvet Elvis  Wed, Jan 12, 2011 12:31:00pm

I've had a passive interest in lucid dreaming since I was a kid and that's not really what my take on it is.

I've always just thought of it as becoming aware of the fact that you're in the middle of a dream while dreaming and controlling the events in the dream.

I don't see how that could really relate to anything in this guy's case.

5  Wed, Jan 12, 2011 12:44:09pm

re: #4 Conservative Moonbat

I've had a passive interest in lucid dreaming since I was a kid and that's not really what my take on it is.

I've always just thought of it as becoming aware of the fact that you're in the middle of a dream while dreaming and controlling the events in the dream.

I don't see how that could really relate to anything in this guy's case.

Did you go out and shoot somebody while you thought you were dreaming?

6 Velvet Elvis  Wed, Jan 12, 2011 2:13:46pm

re: #5

Did you go out and shoot somebody while you thought you were dreaming?

Nope, from everything I've read on the subject thinking you're asleep when you're awake has nothing to do with it.

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